Thursday, October 25, 2001


by John Duran
1987 - 1992
íHARVARDíS 1ST CENTURY HISTORYí is the most complete (overall), yet concise, reconstruction of the events that occurred in the 1st & 2nd century that is currently available to the public.

The bulk of information on this report is from a book by John Duran titled  ""THE OR IGIN OF CHRISTIANITY"". However, this report gets its title from íthe placeí from which the bulk of ísourceí material was obtained - the íHARVARDí UNIVERSITY PRESS


This book was written to tell how and why the Roman Piso Family wrote the New testament. The Jews, who were tired of being ruled over by the Roman Aristocrasy, were lead in their third great revolt against Rome since 6 C.E., in 60 C.E., by Benjamin the Egyptian of the Pharisaic Party. Though they were defeated by the Romans, the Romans knew that something had to be done. So, about the year 60, certain people were getting together a plan to regain control of the Jewish masses. Seneca the Rhetorician, Lucius Piso, Gaius Piso, and their relatives figured to give the Jews a new rhetorical religion. Lucius Piso, with assistance from Seneca, wrote íUr Markusí there abouts that year. They had much planned around this new religion. With this first book, they had hoped to start a new Messiahonic Jewish religion.
Though the Aristocratic Jewish hierarchy i.e., the Herodians, were anxious to regain control of the masses through this new religion, Nero had not approved of it. Neroís mistress was pro-Jewish (meaning íhumanisticí), and he wanted to avoid war with the Jewish zealots (Pharisees), but most of all he was angry because this side of his family had undertook this without his knowledge or approval. What happened was in 65 C.E., they conspired against Nero. One of the conspirators turned informer. íMilichusí told Nero who the chief conspirators were, and Nero quickly retaliated, ordering the deaths of Seneca and Gaius Piso among others. Nero spared Gaius Pisoís son Arrius, but sent him to Syria to serve in exile. Arrius Piso commanded Syria, gathered forces and support, and instigated war with the Pharisees.
The Jews were not buying his Uncleís story, his father was dead, Nero didnít approve of it; so, Arriusí Uncle adopted him, and therefore became the father of the person that would play Jesus. They figured to destroy the Jews, and build Romanized Judaism - without the Jews! And they would even use Nero to help do it. Until Nero got wise to what they were doing. Nero ordered his apparently faithful General (and relative) Corbulo to commit suicide. In 66 C.E., Nero exiled Arrius Piso again, for trying to start war with the íJewish zealotsí in order that Nero would back him in his attempt to destroy the Temple in Jerusalem. This time Arrius was exiled to the Roman province of Pannonia in central Europe, away from Syria and the Jews. Arrius Piso had Epaphroditius, Neroís slave, to kill Nero for him in 68.
Galba became Emperor (Galba was a direct descendant of Augustus Caesar, and father of Otho). Galba named Licinianus Frugi Piso as his successor instead of his son Otho. Galba was overthrown in that same year by his son Otho, who was overthrown by another family member Vitellius. Vitellius was the father-in-law of Julius Gnaeus Agricola. Agricola was the father-in-law of Justus Piso, Claudia Phoebe, Domitia Paulina 1, T. Flavius Clemens, and Cornelius Tacitus! It was Arrius Piso himself who succeeded in defeating Vitellius, thereby securing Rome for Vespasian. Vespasian, in turn helped Arrius to destroy the Temple in Jerusalem in the year 70 C.E.

Vespasian already had his son Titus laying siege on Jerusalem, so Arrius could go with his legions to finish up the job. But they werenít finished with the Jews yet. For Arrius, it was fairly clear sailing from here; for he, and the Flavian side of his family owned the entire known world! He inherited title to all of the books in the Ptolemic Library in Alexandria, Egypt. Circa 100 B.C.E., the total of books in the Ptolemic Library was over half a million. Arrius also had all of the books in Judea and he started gathering up books in Rome so that he could re-write history. Once he had obtained all the books he could, either by buying them or confiscating them, he burned all but certain books. He jokes about this in Acts 19:19.

The Pisos maintained a barrage of slave scribes to churn out propaganda against the Jews. While the first books of the New Testament were only mildly giving inferences against the Jews, the New Testament became increasingly anti-Semitic. Arrius Piso wallowed in rhetorical devices. He played the part of his enemies by writing as Josephus and at the same time historicizing the Jesus character whom he was also playing. Both Josephus and the New Testament are full of names and allusions to relatives and ancestors. They wanted us to be able to re-construct their lineage and the parts in which they played in the great battle.

Gaius Piso, who was put to death (by suicide) by Nero was the father of Arrius Piso. When Arriusí father died, his Uncle Lucius (Gaius Pisoís brother), married his mother Mariamne (Arria the Younger). Arriusí mother was the daughter of T. Flavius Sabinus 2 (Vespasianís brother) and the Elder Arria. So, Arrius (Josephus) was already a Flavian! But wait, other íhistoriansí mention íChristí or íChristiansí donít they? Letís take a look at them. Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, and Suetonius. Tacitus was married to Flavia Domitilla 3 after T. Flavius Clemens was killed by Domitian.
I think that Tacitus was the son (or half-son) of Nerva (a form of íNeroí), and a cousin of Trajan (and thereby also a nephew of Otho). If so, then his mother was Othoís sister Ulpia Plautia Domitia and Trajanís first wife was Tacitusí sister Ulpia, afterwards, Trajan married Arrius Pisoís daughter Claudia Phoebe Pompeia Plotina. Pliny was a friend of Arriusí and had already been related to the family before he married Arrius Pisoís granddaughter - Calpurnia! And Suetonius was Arrius Pisoís grandson by Claudia Phoebe and her first husband Rufus. Later, Suetonius became the Emperor Antoninus Pius.

Oh yes, and letís not forget that other fellow who could have been Josephusí son (and was!), Justin Martyr. Justin Martyr was Arrius Pisoís son, Fabius Justus
from TotseConspiracy WebsiteCalpernius Piso. All of the knowledge that humanity would have had to enable it to get past the stumbling block of Christianity was lost when Arrius Piso burned it. After doing so, Arrius and his family went about building a whole new world centered around Christianity! They synthesized ideologies for the masses, while they themselves were above the laws that they made.

They did things secretly to enhance their epistemological capacities, while stifling that of the masses. Humanity had already known that the Earth revolves around the Sun, instead of visa versa.

But the family was busy setting the clock of wisdom back for the masses. Arrius Pisoís grandson who was the brother of Suetonius/Antonius Pius, wrote as Ptolemy and held our knowledge of astronomy back 1800 years. His real name was Flavius Arrianus, and he also wrote as Arrian and Appian. Within the following pages, I will give profiles of the various family members along with genealogical charts showing lineage and their respective places within the family.

Originally, it was agreed to by the family that Christianity would only last a certain amount of time and that all should be eventually revealed, but then they realized that if they told the masses how theyíd been fooled, thereíd be an uprising and the family members who were ruling would be subject to the wrath of the masses, instead of visa versa. So, Antoninus Pius was careful to treat the masses kindly, lest they found out, and would kill him and his family.

But I want you to know that what doesnít come through in the references that I may cite; is the familiarity that I have with the people, motives, psychology, environment, writing style, rhetoric, and everything else that I know about the writings, time, and people that we are examining. This, you have to confirm for yourself. And that is the hard part, because I donít want to say; "Look, I know this, just take my word for it." So, what do I advise you to do? Study, and be objective. Learn how to learn. Leave behind superstition and confusion, learn to see what you really are, be happy in the many better things that you will be able to give society - for, in this, the best things will begin with you!

Another thing that ought to raise your suspicion is the illusion that is put out to the general public of how long ago it was that the New Testament was written, and that the people of that time were stupid, and that there is little left to us from that time. I will show where to look. When they went about destroying books, they kept Aristotle, not because of their descent from him alone, but because his rhetorical ílogicí was consistent with the íteachingsí of Christianity. Also, there were many books that they could not entirely destroy. Even what was written by their own family was censored by excluding it from the canon if it too boldly hinted at the synthesis of Christianity.
Between Abelard Reuchlin and I, he is the more expert in the feuds within the family. Part of the family wanted to be lax in pushing Christianity (especially once they had all but destroyed the Jews). On the scale of control by emotionalism, they set as the new enemies of the emotionally enthralled Christians, the Stoics. When they first laid the groundwork for Christianity, they cultivated the minds of the masses with superstition. There are several instances in Josephus, Suetonius, and Ptolemy. Some of the later bishops (who were family members) omitted íThe Revelationí in retaliation to Julius (who wrote it) for opposing the family. It was like a thorn in their side. Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem in 340 omitted Rev. from his canon.
And in 364, the Council of Bishops assembled in Laodicea and agreed to omit íRevelationsí. In 370, it was re-instated in the catalog by Bishop Epiphanius. But five years later, Bishop Gregory Nazianzen omits it again. And in 380, Bishop Philastrius omits the Revelation from his canon. Why would they want to omit íRevelationsí? Itís the perfect ending to the Jesus story, but it contained more hints and allusions concerning the authorship of the New Testament than any other book. It contained the famous reference to 666, the mark of the beast, and it had checking numbers, etc. These things will be shown to you and explained in the following chapters.

I hesitate to say exactly how the Jews of today fit into this, except that I hope that after reading all of what I have to say here that you will understand. It was noted by Abelard Reuchlin that the dots under the Hebrew letters helped aid in alluding to the Pisos. In the Talmud, there are many allusions to the Pisos and what they did. This is why the Jews are the Chosen People. They are the witnesses to what the Pisos did. That is the true reason for the continuance of their religion. They used it as an excuse to hide and save this information in order that Christianity may someday come to an end, thereby giving Beth Hillel (Humanism) another chance. In the Talmud, we find references like; "The Horse (ippos, Piso) wrote Matthew," and "Rabbi Joseph (Josephus) wrote Matthew." When you have read this book, these seemingly obscure remarks will start to make sense, and you will see why the Jews went through all of the things that they did (Ref. íJewish Expressions on Jesusí, Weiss Rossarin, KTAV Publishing House, New York, 1977).

The literature of the Jews hold much of what is needed to unravel íthe mystery of the Gospelsí. That is, that the Pisos wrote them! Though the Jews lost the war with the Romans, many of them knew what the Romans were doing with these íGospelsí. Much of this information was kept, but hidden. It is present within the Jewish customs, tradition, literature, commentaries, holidays, and prayer books. Most notably, in the first Babylonian (Jewish) prayer book, the íAmram Gaoní, and later in Parthia in the íSaadia Gaoní.
Dr. Sigmund Freud would have had a great bit to write about had he had known that the true origin of societyís synthesized ideologies came from a bunch of murderers pretending to be íholyí Church Fathers and laying the foundation for laws to keep the masses in their place (a synthesized place made by the murderers themselves!). By the way, I give the name of this book in honor of two great people, each great in their own right. First, íThe Origin of Christianityí is part of the title of íChrist and the Caesarsí by Bruno Bauer (1877). And secondly, it is given to honor the memory and works of Charles Darwin, by using íThe Origin ofí portion of his famous íworld-changingí title íThe Origin of Speciesí (1859).


I am only the third person to write about this publicly. The reason? It is extremely dangerous. Most of the world as we know it, is based firmly upon the idea and acknowledgement of a Christian god. There is only a small portion of people who know what Iím about to explain in this book - they are called the íInner-Circleí and they consist of people with both good and not-so-good intentions. Some proclaim themselves to be Christians even though they know the origin of Christianity. Some are Scholars, Popes, Evangelists, and rulers of countries.

The first person to write about this publicly was Bruno Bauer. His work pointed to the Romans as the authors of the New Testament, and most specifically, Josephus. His best book on the subject was probably íChrist and the Caesarsí (íChrestus Und Die Caesarení) published in Berlin in 1877. As far as I know, there are not as yet any translations of this book in English.

The second person to write about this subject publicly is Abelard Reuchlin, who in 1973 started piecing together his theory that the Romans who wrote the New Testament were mentioned and alluded to in Jewish history and tradition. Abelard is fluent in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Yiddish. He also knows Latin and Greek. Abelard wrote the first edition of his í
The True Authorship of the New Testamentí in 1979. A second edition was written in 1986 (This 2nd edition was a 27 page booklet).

And I started my research in 1971, when I was 11. I got started by wondering about the meaning of the numbers in the Bible. By 1979, I had reached the conclusion that Josephus was the inventor of Jesus. I abandoned my study of the subject for years. Then, in 1985, I started again briefly only to abandon the subject again. One year passed, and once again, I was hot on the trail of the Pisos. In 1986, I got a hold of a copy of íThe True Authorship of the New Testamentí and began comparing it to my own studies. Early in 1987 (March), I wrote a pamphlet titled íIpso facto Pisoí, which originally consisted of only 18 pages. Since then, I have written several pamphlets, each of which were meant to be chapters of this book.

This book will take you on a quest or journey to find the origin of Christianity. Once the true origin is found, the ímysteryí of the Gospels will be revealed. By writing this book, I may be letting the cat out of the bag, I may even be spilling the beans! The history that even the best of scholars today rely upon is the íhistoryí of the Roman side (the winning side) of the war. There was history written by those who were being destroyed by the Romans - the Jews! But hardly anyone but the Jews themselves ever read it. Until youíve heard both sides, you havenít heard any!
Box 227, Pomona, CA 91769


The author explains the many pen names used by the Pisos in both their public and their secret Christian writings. And he explains the code systems used. Two thousand years ago no copyright system existed. Therefore the Pisos inserted codes and allusions which represented themselves, to insure that no later author could claim their work. The code system which the Pisos used included sounds, animal allusions, and three basic numerical code systems: Greek small numbering, large numbering, and the sequence system. These were all refinements of Pythagorean "mathematics."


If you would join a club, why not the most exclusive club that has ever been?! The Inner Circle writers who have known some of this information have included:
  • BAUM,
  • ad infinitum
The booklet explains how this information has been used by religious leaders to control events on a human level.


Doesnít it seem at least slightly suspicious that the New Testament should be written at a time when Rome was at war with the Jews? And that the public íhistoryí that we have from the time is from the winning side. The Roman side!

This is the chronological account of not only how history was re-written, but also why the New Testament was written, and by whom, and how, and for what purpose. This tells the írealí history of biblical times between 19 C.E. and 192 C.E.

First, know that there is a hidden war going on, it is now in progress, and it is the result of the conspiracy that was initiated back in the first century C.E.

A partial list of the original conspirators include:
  • Lucius A. Seneca
  • Galba
  • Pliny the Younger
  • Lucius Calpernius Piso * (Caesoninus)
  • Arrius Calpernius Piso (A.K.A. íFlavius Josephusí)
  • Vespasian
  • Titus (Vespasianís son)
  • Justus Calpernius Piso (A.K.A. íJustin Martyrí)
The same name as the Lucius Piso whose daughter married Julius Caesar - Lucius Calpernius Piso Caesoninus. That earlier Lucius Piso was in fact, also a Caesar! He was Julius Caesarís fatherís brother (Thatís right, his uncle!). And Lucia Calpernia Piso was his first cousin. Marc Antony was Julius Caesarís 2nd uncle.

Now, I will fill you in on some of the pertinent factors and motives of the time. There were many battles fought between the Romans and the Jews, on the field, and on paper - as propaganda.

Why? Well, for one thing, the Roman aristocratic way of life was at stake. It was one in which slavery played a major part. The Roman way of life was one based on power and control; the control of other people. The Jewish way of life was not tolerant of slavery, because it went against the humanistic teachings of Hillel the Pharisee. After the death of King Herod, the Herodian Priests were losing control of the Jewish masses, because of this new Pharisaic Party of Humanistic Jews.
Philippians 3:12 "Be all of you subject one to another, having your conversion íhonestí among the Gentiles"
At first, they tried to give this new religion to the Jews (new wine in old bottles), but when the Jews wouldnít accept it, they went to give it to the Gentiles (new wine in new bottles), and destroy the Jews. The proportion of Jews (Jewish Beth Hillel, zealots/Pharisees), in the Roman empire by the late 50ís C.E. was over 20%. As humanistic Jews, they were a threat to the Roman way of life, i.e., aristocratic. So, a few conspirators in the hierarchy decided to give the Jews a new religion - Christianity.

They synthesized this new religion, and based it upon the already existent Jewish religion, and using the Jewish books, they customized it to fit the Roman way of life.

The New Testament books were written after the supposed fact, so that it was easy for them to be self-fulfilling. The first íChristianí book written was íUr Marcusí, which was the proto- type for the book íMarkí that was written by Arrius Piso.

íUr Marcusí was written by Lucius (Lucillius) Calpernius Caesoninus Piso in about the year 60 C.E. (Perhaps closer to the year 62 C.E.). Even theologians agree that chronologically íMarkí would come before íMatthewí. The main conspirators at this time included: Seneca, Galba, Lucius Piso, Gaius Piso, and Senecaís nephew íLucan the Poetí. Arrius Piso was 28 years old in 65 C.E.

The book íUr Marcusí was given to the Jews, who soon rejected it. Of course, they maintained a company of their own private slaves which they used as scribes to make copies of their books to distribute to the masses, after which the slaves were killed. This practice was copied after the Egyptian Pharaoesí practice of killing the slaves who worked on the inner-chamber of the Pyramids. For, these slaves also worked on the inner-circle of the ítriangleí (the new trinity). Next, the book íUr Marcusí was given to slaves and gentiles, who bought it hook, line, and sinker.

This new group of followers were called íGentile Christiansí, or non-Jewish Christians. In 66 C.E., Arrius Piso deliberately provoked the Jewish revolt so that he could pave the way to destroying the Temple because the Jews were not accepting his Uncleís story íUr Marcusí, which was intended to pacify the Jews.

About the year 70, Lucius Piso wrote another book called íUr Matthiasí (the two books that went to the Logia, íUr Marcusí and íUr Matthiasí were written by Lucius Piso). Lucius Piso died in the year 73 C.E., that was when Arrius Piso inherited his works.

By the year 70, Arrius Piso and Titusí army had destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem. Somewhere between the year 70 and 75, Arrius Piso re-wrote his Uncleís books and gave his Uncleís fictional messiah the name íJesusí. It was Arrius Piso who thought to name the character íJesusí, because it was Joseph (Josephus) who was the father of the fictional Jesus in the story. Now, when writing the books of the New Testament, Arrius borrowed the characteristics for his characters from earlier proto-types. The character for Jesus and even the concept of the trinity, was borrowed from the already ancient Egyptian equivalent of the Holy family.
  • Osiris/Joseph - the father who is a lesser god than the son
  • Isis/Mary - the virgin mother
  • their son Horus, who was the equivalent of Jesus ( they even made a íHorus-Caesarí as a joke in Egypt, Ref. íThe Nileí, Emil Ludwig, pg. 417 )
Also, some of the characteristics used to create the Jesus character and some of the ísayingsí that they used, were borrowed from Hillel the Pharisee. This was all too obvious to the Jews, and especially to the Rabbis of the day, who for the most part, were relatives (descendants) of Hillel (Beth Hillel). These same were also relatives (distant?) of the Pisos, for they also were descendants of King David.

Arrius Piso used íHerculesí to contribute the following attributes and characteristics to his Jesus character:
1. The íPrince of Peaceí title
2. The virgin mother
3. a father who was a god
4. he too was íthe only begotten soní of his ígod fatherí (father, god)
5. Hercules too was called ísaviorí
6. had the title íthe good shepherdí
7. Hercules also died and went for a brief visit to hell (Hades), after which, he then ascended to Heaven (the heavens)
By 75 C.E., Arrius Piso had revised the book íUr Marcusí and we now know that book as the book íMarkí of the New Testament. Of course, with all of these things going on, and with new conspirators on the rise, the conspirators didnít want to attract any suspicion, but at the same time, they needed a system in which they could not only keep track of their own material (propaganda), but also keep their identities secret, yet still be able to claim authorship - for both prosperity and their own egos.

2:2, The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to Seneca (Anneas Seneca, d. 65 C.E.):
"For you know when, and by whom, at what seasons, and to whom I must deliver every thing which I send", (ref. Apocryphal New Testament)
The fact of the matter is, that Seneca did not live long enough to see any other íChristianí books or paraphernalia except íUr Marcusí - the proto-type for the book íMarkí. The Epistles of Paul the Apostle were written by Justus Calpernius Piso, and realizing this, it would also be realized that Seneca had long been departed. Justus didnít start writing until the late 90ís C.E., when he helped his dad and Pliny write íActs of the Apostlesí.

Now that you have been briefed on the background of the conspiracy, here is a chronological synopsis. Germanicus Caesar was the nephew and adopted son of the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Germanicus was born in 15 B.C.E., and died in 19 C.E., when he was poisoned by Cnaeus Calpernius Piso, the Governor of Syria.

Cnaeus C. Piso was the father of Gaius, Marcus, & Lucius Calpernius Piso. Cnaeus died in 20 C.E. Gaius Calpernius Piso was the father of Arrius Calpernius Piso a.k.a. Flavius Josephus.

The Pisos were Romans and Arrius was also technically a Jew by descent because his mother was a Jew (or rather, a descendant of the Jewish hierarchy), his mother was Mariam (Arria the Younger) the Great-Granddaughter of King Herod the Great. Arrius C. Piso was born in the year 37 C.E. The Younger Arria was the daughter of Arria the Elder who was the wife of Caecina Paetus. Caecina Paetus was involved in a conspiracy of Scribonianusí against the Emperor Claudius in 42 C.E., and was condemned to death.
Paetusí wife, Arria, did not wish to survive him and took her life with him - by dagger. The Younger Arria found herself in the same situation in the year 65 C.E. with her husband Thrasea Paetus (Gaius Piso), but her husband begged her to live for the sake of their children. Philo of Alexandria died about 45 C.E., and Philo mentioned Pilate in connection with the incident concerning the Roman shields, but he did not, nor could he, make any mention of Jesus or the Christian story (the works of íPhiloí are suspect also). If, he was a real person other than Arrius Piso, he was a relative of Arrius Piso through the Herods of Judea.

íPhiloí mentioned íPilateí, not íPontiusí Pilate, because íPontiusí was added to the name later, as Pliny was helping Arrius write íLukeí. Arrius Piso honored Pliny by adding the name íPontiusí as a variant of the name of the Province in which Pliny was in charge - Pontus. So, that gave Pliny the nickname íPontiusí.

In and around the year 55 C.E., Rome started feeling the pressure of the new humanistic, anti-slavery, Pharisaic Jewish Party upon the aristocratic Roman lifestyle. During the years between 55 and 62, the Pisosí popularity and family status had once again risen to a very high aristocratic level amongst those Patriotic Romans (and the Jewish hierarchy), who wanted to preserve that hallowed Roman institution of slavery. And along with Seneca, Galba, and a host of others, the Pisos were likened to heroes by a majority of influential and powerful Romans. In about the year 60, Lucius Calpernius Piso wrote íUr Marcusí - the proto-type for the book íMarkí (which was later to be re-written by Arrius Piso). During the following four years, Lucius, Seneca, Persius the Poet, and miscellaneous other conspirators tried to get Nero to assist them in their plan to give the people a new religion to help preserve the Roman institution of slavery and regain control of the masses through religion (by which they could then easily manipulate them through the use of rhetoric and spuriously synthesized ideologies).

But these conspirators were thoroughly surprised to find that after giving Nero the details of their plan - he opposed it! Nero opposed the plan because his mistress at the time (who later became his wife), Poppea, was pro-Jewish Pharisaic Party. So, Gaius and Lucius Piso and their group planned to assassinate Nero in the year 65 C.E. The attempt failed because Milichus told Nero about the plot in the hopes of receiving a large reward, but Nero was so shook with sudden terror that he mistook Milichusí greed for loyalty. Nero started questioning all of the conspirators that Milichus named, they in turn named even more.

Gaius Piso was put to death in his own home (remember, this is Thrasea Paetus, and he was at home with his wife Arria the Younger). He committed suicide as ordered, so that his family would not lose their holdings to the state. This order of suicide came from Nero to Gaius Piso just after Piso had been nominated senatorial successor that year. Seneca (Neroís rhetoric teacher), and Senecaís nephew Lucan, Barea Soranus, Faenius Rufus, and miscellaneous others were executed by Nero. Nero exiled Gaiusí son, Arrius, to Syria, where he stationed him as Governor (just as Arriusí Grandfather Cnaeus Piso had been Governer of Syria also). Nero could not kill such a powerful figure as his relative Lucius Calpernius Piso Caesoninus, because he was the name sake of the earlier Roman Hero whose daughter married Julius Caesar. So, Lucius Piso, one of the main conspirators, escaped with his life. Nero allowed this only to prevent a uprising. Lucius Piso married his dead brotherís wife, and adopted Arrius Piso. Nero still went about weeding out conspiritors.

Nero executed Gaius Petronius Arbiter in 66, as a conspirator of Pisoís. And in that same year, Arrius Piso deliberately provoked a Jewish revolt - so he would have an excuse to destroy the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. But Arrius wouldnít be able to do that until the year 70, when he would have the help of Titusí Army ( inner-circle source for the phrase íyou and what armyí?). In 67, Nero ordered his probably loyal relative General Corbulo (also an Ahenobarbii like Nero through his father, in fact, Corbulo may have been Neroís Uncle), to commit suicide, as he also was suspected to be a conspirator of Piso. Arrius Piso finally succeeded in assassinating Nero by having Neroís slave Epaphroditus do it for him (actually, this Epaphroditus was probably Arrius Piso himself. I will explain this further later), in 68 C.E., Galba then became Emperor and named Arriusí cousin, Licinianus Frugi Piso, as his intended successor.

On January 1st of the year 69 C.E., Lower Germany declared Aulus Vitellius legate of that Province. Licinianus Piso was killed along with Galba in Rome during an uprising of soldiers put into action by Otho on January 15th. Licinianus Piso lived four days longer than Galba, and so, was Emperor of Rome for those four days. Otho had taken Poppea, Neroís widow to be his wife and was Emperor after Piso. Then, Otho was forced to kill himself after being defeated by Vitellius, who was then killed by an uprising of soldiers - staged by Arrius Piso in order to secure Vespasianís position as new Emperor. All of this in the year 69 C.E. Why would Arrius Piso want Vespasian to be the new Emperor? Arrius Calpernius Piso was the grandson of Vespasianís own brother!

Because T. Flavius Sabinus 2 (Vespasianís brother, where Arrius gets the íFlaviusí in his íFlavius Josephusí name), was married to the elder Arria, Arrius Pisoís Grandmother! So, the Emperor Vespasian was Arrius Pisoís Grand-Uncle! The year 70 C.E. saw the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, where many thousands of Jews were killed by Titusí and Pisoís army. And about that year (or more probably year 71), Lucius Piso wrote his second book, the logia íUr Matthiasí. In the year 71, Titus issued his infamous íCaptive Judeaí coin. And in the year 73, as a Roman General, Arrius Piso and his Army destroyed the last three Jewish outposts - Machaerus, Herodian and Mesada. It was in this year that Lucius Piso was killed, supposedly íaccidentallyí by Arrius Piso himself.
Arrius Piso then starts re-writing his Unclesí books. Arrius Piso has the original copies translated from his Unclesí Latin versions, into Greek, and even though Arrius had altered them slightly, they still contain a strong hint of Latin influence. So, about the year 75, the new versions of íMarkí and íMatthewí appear. 79 was the year of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius at the Bay of Naples, which buried the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Pliny the Younger, and his Uncle (the Elder Pliny), saw the eruption and tried to save some of their family members (and books) who were caretakers of Lucius Pisoís library at Herculaneum. The Elder Pliny lost his life there at the Bay of Naples, but even though they managed to take some books, they left about 800 of them behind (which is an estimate made by the most studious D. Comporetti).

Excavations show that there was a quantity Epicurean Philosophic papyrus in both Greek and Latin, but the vast majority of the papyri was written in Latin (which was Lucius Pisoís main language). Some of the Greek papyrus was originally from the library of their ancestor and Epicurean philosopher - Philodemus of Gadara. In the year 80, a severe fire was supposed to have occured in Rome.

And in the year 84, Pliny the Younger officially became a member of the immediate Piso family by his marriage to Arrius Pisoís granddaughter íCalpurniaí (this, according to my earlier notes. However, Pliny was already related, at least semi-distantly). During the year 85, both Arrius and Pliny the Younger together wrote the New Testament book íLukeí. And in the year 90, Arrius started writing the íJewish Antiquitiesí under his pen name of íFlavius Josephusí.

Arrius Pisoís sister Fannia, who was infamous for the number of times in which she had been banished, came back to Rome with her mother - Arria the younger (the widow of íThrasea Paetusí a.k.a. Gaius Piso. Fannia was banished again in 93 (under Domitian), and her property was confiscated. Also, in 93, Suetonius came to live with his grandfather - Arrius Piso! When Suetoniusí father Rufus died in 93, Arrius brought Suetonius (in íhistoryí under the names íArrius Verusí and íTitus Antoniusí), into his home. Suetonius was the son of Arrius Pisoís daughter Claudia Phoebe Pompeia Plotina Calpurnia Pisa (Piso).

In the year 95, Alexander, Arrius Pisoís first son (who was the father of Plinyís wife Calpurnia), died. Also, in that year, Flavius Clemens, a first cousin of the Emperor Domitian, was executed on a charge of íatheismí. Many have wondered just what was meant by this. Remember who íGodí was? Caesar! So, to say that there was no God, was to denounce Caesar - who just happened to be íDomitianí at the time. Then in 96, Piso (Arrius) and Pliny assassinated Domitian, who was the second son and last main survivor of Vespasian. The íDynamic Duoí (Arrius & Pliny) were assisted in the assassination by íStephanusí (Remember the martyr of Stephan, 1st Cor. 1:16), who was the slave of the Emperorís niece íDomitillaí. Then, they appointed the Elderly Nerva Emperor, because he would allow the Pisos to do anything that they liked. He ruled for two years and died of natural causes.

Also, in 96, Piso started writing his íVitaí while helping his son, Fabius Justus (Justin Martyr) Calpernius piso and Pliny the Younger write íActs of the Apostlesí (which they finished about the year 100). In 98, when Nerva died, Trajan became Emperor. Trajan was Arrius Pisoís son-in-law. He was married to Claudia Phoebe Pompeia Plotina Pisa. Martial, their relative, wrote about their marriage. Because Pisoís daughter was Emperoress, she was allowed to write an actual portion of the New Testament, because remember, the New Testament was íTHE BOOK OF LIFEí itself!

She wrote the last part of íRomansí. That was the year 100, when her brother Proculus was writing íRomansí. Pliny started writing í1st Corinthiansí, íGalatiansí, and íEphesiansí, finishing those books in the year 103. Also in the year 100, Pliny was starting up the first churches in Pontus and Bithynia. Now the Piso family really kicks into high gear! Between the years 100-105, Pliny writes íTitusí and starts writing epistles as íSt. Ignatiusí (he wrote epistles to the churches that he started up!). Can you picture this? Such was how Christianity was started. And Julius Piso wrote an epistle as íClement of Romeí, Proculus, as íSt. Polycarpí. In the year 105, Justus writes the íGospel of Johní.

Justus wrote íTimothy 2í in 107 C.E., while helping his son Julianus, and his nephew Silanus, to write íThessaloniansí 1 & 2, which they finished writing around 110 C.E. During that time, Justus and Julianus also wrote íPhilemoní, and Justus finished up íJamesí by himself in 110. Between the years 110 and 115, Proculus Piso and Julius Piso were the family writers. Proculus was writing íPeterí 1 & 2, and Julius was writing íJohní 1, 2 and 3, and íJudeí. By the end of 115, all of the books of the New Testament were written, except íRevelationsí and íHebrewsí.

Pliny the Younger, playing the part of íPaulí in Titus 1:12, quotes íEpimenides the Cretaní saying; "All Cretans are liars". That is, a Cretan (Greek) saying that all Cretans are liars. Why would Pliny say this in the first place? Because he was teasing at the fact that the Pisos were liars descended from the Greeks, and in fact, directly descended from the brother of Alexander the Great (his brotherís name was íLagosí which means íThe Rabbití).

Note: There is a noted simulaity found in the Lordís Prayer (written by Arrius Piso), and Philo of Alexandria (Reportedly, the chief Rabbi of Alexandria, Egypt):
"If you ask pardon for íyourí sins (ísins?í) do you also forgive those who have trespassed against íyouí? For, (in this), remission is granted for remission."
The íremission of sinsí sounds familiar. So does íforgive those whom have trespassedí. Sounds a lot like that old devil himself, Arrius Piso! Also, Philo of Alexandria was supposed to have died around the year 45 C.E., the Jews didnít start calling teachers íRabbií until after the year 70!


Matt. 4:3:
"If thou art (the) son of God, speak, that these stones may turn to loaves (of bread)."
He then smartly answers his own remark in Matt. 4:4, saying:
"Man does not live by bread alone."
Later, in Matt. 7:9, he says:
"Or what man is there of you who, if his son should ask (for) bread, will give him a stone?"
This is said again in Luke 4:3. And in 1st Peter 2:4:
"To whom coming, (as) a living stone, is indeed rejected by men."


Because of the work done by Guy Edward Farguhar Chilver on the works of Tacitus, we find that Gaius Piso was in fact, a different person other than Lucius Piso - they were brothers.

Lucius Piso was the friend who Seneca corresponded with by using the name íLuciliusí (Senecaís íEpistoles Moralesí). These two were a team, much like Arrius Piso and Pliny the younger would become later. In fact, the writerís themselves joke about that fact. One of Arrius Pisoís other names is íAtriusí. Pliny notifies Arrius of the receipt of his book - like Senecaís letter to Lucilius (Lucius Piso), Arrius Pisoís Uncle and adoptive father!
Reference for this is Pliny II, Book IX, No. XXXV and Seneca IV, Epistulae Morales I, Book XLVI. This Lucius Piso carried the same name as the father of the Calpurnia that married Julius Caesar - Lucius Calpernius Piso Cesoninus. He had a villa at Herculaneum in the Bay of Naples. His brother was married to Arria the Younger and together the had an only begotten son - Arrius Calpernius Piso! When Gaius Piso was killed by Nero in 65 C.E., Lucius Piso married the widow of his brother and adopted her son (his nephew) Arrius.

Lucius Piso had a daughter with his brotherís widow, this daughter was the íFanniaí of history. The writerís of the time try to throw you off by making you think that they are talking about íFanniaí as being the only child of Thrasea Paetus (Gaius Piso) and Arria the Younger - but it was Arrius who was born first, in 37 C.E.! Lucius Piso died in 73 C.E., but his villa was maintained by relatives until it was buried by ash when Mt. Vesuvius erupted in 79 C.E. Something that a person studying history ought to ask themselves is why would Arria the Younger name her daughter íFanniaí? Simple. íFanniaí is another form of íArriaí, with the írís as ínís , and with the addition of the letter íFí for íFlaviusí (the feminine form is íFlaviaí, i.e., íFlavia Arriaí). This same device of switching letters to hide identities was also used in the Annii Verii, which was made up by Arrius Piso writing as Josephus, when he calls himself íArrius Verusí (he drops the íií from what he really calls himself - Arrius Various, or the íVarious Arriusí).

When Arrius Pisoís daughter Claudia Phoebe Pompeia Plotina married the Emperor Trajan, the family allowed her to write herself into íThe Book of Lifeí. She wrote íRomansí 16:25-27 (which is the very reason why this portion of íRomansí is not included in some English versions. Some of the family would not have a woman write any portion of the accepted text. But she did, and that portion still exists today). That was around the year 100 C.E., when her brother Proculus wrote the bulk of íRomansí. Claudia Phoebe would live on past the death of her husband, and help appoint íHadrianí as the new Emperor.

    Wrote as íJosephusí, and the Greek íApioní (because remember, he is descended from Alexander the Greatís father, íPhilip of Macedoniaí. It is he (Arrius) who Pliny the Younger jokes about in Titus 1:12, when he says; "All Cretans are liars"). Arrius invented and mentions Jesus, John the Baptist, and James the brother of Jesus.
    Wrote as íTacitusí, mentions Christ and Christians.
    Wrote as íPlutarchí, hints at parallelism, and mentioned hints (to codes) and mentions family members only. However, I feel that Trajan also wrote as íDio Chrysostumí and was the nephew of the Emperor Otho. Trajanís son, íFlavius Arrianusí hints at his father being Plutarch in some papers that he wrote while in Egypt.
    Wrote as íSuetoniusí, mentions íChrestusí. He was the Emperor Antoninus Pius. He also wrote as Church Father Tatian. He was the son of Claudia Phoebe by Rufus Musonius.
    Wrote as íPtolemyí, íAppianí, íArrianí. He wrote íThe Shepherd of Hermasí, íHebrewsí, the apocryphal íBarnabasí, íThe Didacheí, íThe Martyrdom of Polycarpí, the íEpistle to Diognetusí, and other ílettersí that look like sales documents which he had written while he was in Egypt, and that is where these were found. These other documents by Arrianus are included in a collection of works that are available from the Loeb Classical Library under the title íSelect Papyrií.
    a.k.a. íFabius Justusí, he wrote as Church Father íJustin Martyrí. He was Arrius Pisoís son, and it was Justus Piso who wrote the anachronistic íGospel of Johní.
    Was the son of Justus Piso. He wrote as Church Father íPapiusí, and was the father of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius.
    Had other names too, but weíll get into that later. As íPlinyí he mentions Christians to establish them íhistoricallyí and cause an interest in them. He was Church Father íSt. Ignatiusí, and started up the first churches in his province of Pontus (íPontiusí), and Bithynia.
    Wrote íRevelationsí, & the epistles of íJohní and íJudeí. He was Church Father íClement of Romeí. And the family took him to Rome to execute him, because of his insistance that his grandson be named the successor of Hadrian. His name in history is Julius Servianus Severus.
  • 115 C.E. - Julius (Severus) Piso writes 1st, 2nd, and 3rd íJohní and íJudeí. The Second Jewish revolt starts, and 1 million Jews take over Alexandria Egypt for 1 year.
  • 116 C.E. - Pliny the Younger dies in battle with the Jews (under the name íMaximusí, because he was íPontifex Maximusí).
  • 117 C.E. - Trajan dies, his son íFlavius Arrianusí finishes the books that he was writing as Plutarch. Hadrian becomes the new Emperor after Trajan.
  • 120 C.E. - Tacitus íCornelius Fuscusí dies. By the way, Julius Pisoís grandson íPedanius Fuscusí was also Tacitusí grandson. Julius Pisoís daughter Julia married Tacitusí son íFuscusí to produce the child that they hoped would succeed the Emperor.
  • 121 C.E. - Hadrian is in Gaul. Marcus Aurelius is born.
  • 124 C.E. - Claudia Phoebe Pompeia Plotina Piso (Pius) dies.
  • 128 C.E. - Hadrian is in North Africa.
  • 129 C.E. - Hadrian in Athens (Greece).
  • 130 C.E. - Hadrian in Alexandria Egypt.
  • 132 C.E. - The third Jewish revolt. Hadrian is back at Rome. War rages for the next three years.
  • 134 C.E. - Hadrian takes personal charge of the campaign in palestine.
  • 135 C.E. - Hadrian recovers Jerusalem. Julius Severus Piso was summoned by Hadrian from Britain to help in the war with the Jews. As a Roman General, Julius, with his troops totaling 35,000 men, were met at first with defeat - to their total suprise. But, in the end, Julius and his troops caused the Diaspora (the dispersion of the Jews, which lasted from 135 C.E., till the year 1919). Bar Cochba was killed at Betar, and Rabbi ben Akiba was tortured to death.
  • 136 C.E. - In exchange for his help in the war, Julius asks Hadrian to name his grandson as his successor. Hadrian says ínoí.
  • 137 C.E. - Julius is angry at the family and writes íRevelationsí bitingly. This was the power that Julius was bequeathed by his father to counter the power that was left to his brother (whoís grandson would succeed Antoninus Pius).
  • 138 C.E. - Hadrian orders Julius to commit suicide in Rome, and executes Juliusí grandson Pedanius Fuscus. Later, Hadrian dies and Suetonius (Titus Antonius Antoninus Pius íPisoí) becomes Emperor.
  • 139 C.E. - Flavius Arrianus (a.k.a. íArrianí, íAppianí, and íPtolemyí), writes the apocryphal íGeneral Epistle of Barnabasí.
  • 140 C.E. - Flavius Arrianus writes the New Testament book íHebrewsí.
  • 145 C.E. - Flavius Arrianus writes the íShepherd of Hermasí (a title that íreaksí of Roman influence). Also in this year, Marcus Aurelius marries Faustina.
  • 161 C.E. - Antoninus Pius (Suetonius) dies, and Marcus Aurelius becomes Emperor.
  • 170 C.E. - Rabbi Judah writes íZechariahí and íHaggaií.
  • 175 C.E. - Rabbi Judah (the Prince). Both a friend and relative of Marcus Aurelius (and descendant of Hillel the Pharisee), writes the Hebrew version of íJobí (the first version having been written by Arrius Piso, in honor of himself, his father, and his íHouseí, that being the íHouseí of the supreme god - íJoveí or íJupiterí. Thatís also why when the family captured Jerusalem, they renamed it íJupiter Capitolinusí as the íNew Jerusalemí.
  • 180 C.E. - Death of Marcus Aurelius. His son íCommodusí becomes Emperor.
  • 183 C.E. - Plot to kill Commodus uncovered.
  • 192 C.E. - Commodus assassinated. Pertinax Emperor.
  • 193 C.E. - Pertinax murdered. Didius Julianus is Emperor.

When do we hear that St. Peter was Bishop? In 42 C.E.? No! In the first century? No!

Once you have become proficient at history, and have the span of íhistoryí from before B.C.E., to Fourth century down pat, then you will have quite an over-view of what actually transpired. The further away from the 1st century C.E. you get, the more you see íhistoriansí and Church Fathers trying to pre-date people and events which they have created later on to help establish the legitamacy of Christianity. This can best be seen in the Churchís procession of Bishops. They date St. Peter to the year 42 as the first Bishop of Rome (he is a fictional character).

Next, Irenaeus, Eusebius, and íSt. Jeromeí say that íLinusí was Bishop of Rome after St. Peter in 67. Tertullian and Rufinus say that íClementí was Bishop in 68. Now, this was said for a purpose. Julius Piso (Arrius Pisoís son), wrote as St. Clement of Rome in about 110 C.E., the Second century! By saying that íClementí was Bishop of Rome in 68 they also pre-dated Justusí writings. Not only was that done for the obvious reason, but for another also. But you would think that to posthumously honor Julius by making his character íClementí Bishop of Rome would be another reason, but in fact, Julius died in opposition to the family. So, to make his character íBishop of Romeí was to ridicule his memory! This is the snide way that íthe familyí dealt with those who didnít go along with them.


Both the family (the Pisos) and the Jews joked by calling Arrius Piso íSwift of Footí knowing that he was also íNiconí (Victor). He is called íNicolasí from íNiconí, íNicolasí being Greek for íBalaamí. Thatís why the Jews made the legend of the íLamed Voví, itís just íBalaamí re-arranged in Hebrew. And he was also the New Achilles, because his Jesus story made him strong, but he too had an Achillesí heel. Arrius and his family had joked and bragged so much about what they were doing, that eventually they would be found out - and they both expected and anticipated it.

Why was Jesus the íBright Morning Starí? This was another hint. Because Arrius Piso had become the new íAchillesí and Achillesí spear was the íBright Evening starí, Arriusí spear (Jesus) was made the íBright Morning Starí!!! For more on this, read Homerís Iliad.

They took their enemiesí names and attributes and used them to jokingly re-enforce their Jesus story. They took the teachings of Hillel the Pharisee (the main teacher of the new humanistic Pharisaic School), and changed them to fit their new Roman religion. Just check the Jewish íPirkei Abothí. Also, they did a real job on their enemies in the Jewish/Humanistic Camp during their war with the Jews. Especially, one Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakai.


The Piso family ridiculed this famous Jewish leader, who was the youngest student of Hillel the Pharisee, for he was a leader in the war against the Romans who wrote the New Testament! íZakaií spelled or translated into Greek is íZacchaeusí. We find this spelling of the name in Luke Chapter 19, verses 5 & 8. Also, the same spelling is in the apocryphal book íThe Infancy of Jesus Christí, which is attributed to íSaint Thomasí. The writers of the New Testament make a further joke of ridiculing the Rabbi by saying that John the Baptist was the son of Zacharias, because translated, íYohanan ben Zakaií is John the Righteous. But even more, they incorporate íZachií (Zakai) with íAriasí (Arrius)! íbení is íson ofí, so, its íJohn, son of Zakai/Arriusí!!!

Itís not only a joke, but the truth too! Iíve just explained the joke. The truth was that íJohn the Baptistí was the (fictional) ísoní or invention of Arrius Piso. Another cruel thing about this joke is that in the story íJohn the Baptistí came to pave the way for Christianity, by making Rabbi Zakai íJohn the Baptistí in the story, they make him (who opposed the Pisos) to help pave the way for Christianity. Then, Arrius writing as Josephus (in order to re-write history), inserts the name íZachariasí (that he made up), into íhistoryí. For Arrius Piso, such was the power of conquering Rome.


The Pisos and their relatives were taught rhetoric from childhood. And they had every book on anything available to them, there was nothing that was ever thought upon and written down that wasnít at their convenience. So, is it any wonder that we find Arrius Piso writing as Josephus? And even writing as Josephusí enemy and critic Apion! For, as Apion, he can say things to ridicule the Jews that the character Josephus wouldnít dare.

Later, Flavius Arrianus wrote as Ptolemy and he also wrote as his characterís teacher - Epictetus! This was to further confuse people so that they would not see the consistency of the plot. For, Epictetus is a made-up name with no other historical confirmation, whereas other írealí people even by their playing their characters by using other names, are confirmable. By the way, the name that Flavius Arrianus chose to be his teacher was a joke and consistent with their rule of hiding names and meanings by switching certain letters. íEpictetusí is íEpistolusí, because the letters íSí and íCí were inter-changeable, as were the letters íTí and íLí, this by their numerical value of í3í in Pisoís Greek small number system. His íteacherí was íEpistolusí (he who writes epistles), and the name íEpistolusí like the word íepistleí in Greek contains the name íPisoí.


There was no íDevilí before Piso made him as the enemy of Jesus. The Hebrew books did originally mention íSataní, but the word meant the bad nature or disposition that a person may have at times - not a íDevilí as the N.T. describes. And of course, the concept of íHellí was borrowed from the fictional place that the Greeks called íHadesí.
1. Heís red. They were joking about the family name of íAhenobarbusí which by Suetoniusí reference denotes the color íredí because of the ruddy color of the Ahenobarborus menís beards. íAhenobarbusí, was the name of the family line through which Neroís father came from. íRedí is also a family nickname, which, was changed around by switching inter-changeable letters. Those names include; íKokkesí, íSossesí, íCoccesí.

2. Horns on his head. Since the íDevilí is Piso himself, and Piso is the Beast (íipposí) in íRevelationsí, his son Julius, gives the íbeastí 10 horns (which are meant to allude to another family name coming from Cleopatra Seleneís father íAulusí, meaning ípipeí, ífluteí, or íhorní). This, in íRevelationsí 13:1.

3. Pitch-fork. In íActs of the Apostlesí Arrius Piso makes his ípitchesí with his íforkedí-tongue for his new religion, saying; "Come one, come all, see the great creation - íJesusí."

4. Heís got a pointed tail (tale). Of course the Devil (Piso) has a pointed tale - the Jesus story! Itís pointed because he makes jokes, puns, and ridicules his enemies in it!

5. Cloven feet. íClovisí, which is a form of the family name íClodiusí (íClaudiusí). We also get the association between St. Patty íCalperniusí, the íSham-rockí (íShammií, íPetrosí, írockí), and the íFour-leafedí clover. This comes later, when St. Augustine (and his brother?) St. Patrick go to Ireland to drive out the Druids (snakes), and establish Christianity there.

Forked-tongue. Of course, the Devil (Piso) speaks with a forked-tongue (and he is ídouble-mindedí as the N.T. says), because he lies. The American Indians never said; "White man speak with forked-tongue," except in movies. Because an íinner-circleí member made that up as a joke. íWhite maní is íAlbinusí, a Piso family name. Also, they made the association with the snake having a forked-tongue, alluding back to the snake lying to Eve. The reference to íForked-tongueí can be found in the New Testament itself, in Acts 2:3.

Later in Christology, the name íLuciferí became synonymous with the Christian íSataní or íThe Devilí (Pisoís Devil - himself!), because like íLuciusí (of light), íLuciferí means íShining oneí.

This íShining oneí is of ípomp and gloryí i.e. íVainí. Check the name íLuciferí in Isaiah 14:12 (use an Analytical Concordance). In the war with the Jews, even those who were newly íconvertedí from paganism were used to fight the Jews. Thatís why we find in those certain New Testament books íanti-semeticí passages and can better find when those books were written. Should it strike anyone as funny that this new anti-Semitic religion called Christianity and it books should come at a time when Rome was at war with the Jews?

In giving the family lineage, Plutarch (Trajan) affirms Arriusí descent from the person whom the íHerculesí character had been modeled after (there is a theory that the Greek/Roman gods were modeled after real people), thereby exposing Arriusí license by relation to use the attributes of Hercules (including titles) in the synthesis of the Jesus character. Plutarch was Arrius Pisoís son-in-law, the Roman Emperor Trajan! In íPlutarchísí Alexander (that is, íAlexander the Greatí), Trajan says that Alexander the Great was descended from íHerculesí. And of course, we find that Arrius Piso was descended from Alexander the Greatís brother íLagosí. Who was the íreal-lifeí person who was Arrius Pisoís ancestor and the person from whom the íHerculesí character was modeled after? Perhaps this person was íHeraclitus of Ephesusí circa 500 B.C.E. He was a Greek philosopher who studied Epistemology. The very name íHerculesí means íGlorius gift of Heraí (íGlorious gift of Hera-clitusí?). His compounded name is said to prove that he (Hercules) was a real man (person).


Why does the traditional Jesus have a beard? Nowhere in the New Testament does it say that Jesus had a beard! The word íbeardí is not to be found in it! So, where did his beard come from? It will be pointed out that íholy mení in those days did not cut their hair. The source for that information? íJosephusí. According to the New Testament, íJesusí did not have a beard. However, the person who íplayedí Jesus did! Arrius Piso, as Josephus, had a beard. Thatís why the traditional Jesus has a beard. Because for whatever was lacking in their fictional character, all they had to do was go to the real-life personage behind the character to draw those extra characteristics needed to make their character seem larger than life.


So, who is this mysterious Christian God? "CAESAR"! He (Jesus/Josephus/Arrius Piso) was íthe likeness of Godí (2nd Cor. 4), because he was related to the deified Caesars! Great Caesarís holy ghost! Can it be that even today, we live in a nation under Caesar?

The deified Caesars include:
  • íJulius Caesarí
  • íAugustus Caesarí
  • íClaudius Caesarí
  • íVespasianí
  • íTitusí
It would seem most possible that Cneius Calpernius Piso was the son of Julius Caesar and Calpurnia Piso, thereby drawing a direct line to Arrius Piso.
Julius Caesar was also related to Marc Anthony. The phrase íson of the living godí is also a hint (check Suetoniusí description of Caligula). In Matt. 16:16, Simon Peter says; "Thou art the Christ, the son of the living god." A key word here is ísoní. The word they use has a double meaning, it can mean ísoní like a personís son, or it can mean ídescendantí. The Caesars were the ínewí Roman gods replacing the old ones. So, when íJesusí (Arrius Piso) says that heís the ísoní of God, heís really saying that he is a descendant of Caesar!!!!!

In Mark 14:58, Arrius Piso jokes about his finally destroying the Jewish Temple. Arrius Piso as Jesus says:
"I will destroy this Temple, the one made with hands, and in three (trion) days, another not made with hands I will build."
He says in the ítrioní days, meaning in the days of the ítrinityí. Not built with hands, but with mind. That is, írhetoricalí, using íwordsí to be the ínewí temple, one that would stand even when the very buildings would crumble. That is why they say that the building is not the church, but it is the congregation which is the church and body of Christ (Piso), and cannot be destroyed as a building.

Julius Piso, Arrius Pisoís son, counters the rhetoric by placing hints & clues in íRevelationsí. Julius makes his father into a dragon in Rev. 12:3. Why a dragon? Because the same word for ídragoní also means ía baby boyí, and thatís the baby Jesus!!


From careful study and comparison, I would conclude that the íFirst Infancyí was written at the time of Acts & Luke, which was around the year 90 C.E. In the Apocryphal íInfancyí, we find that they have inserted Rabbi ben Dosa (a student of Zakai), as íthe son of Hanani a Jewí. The full name of this Rabbi was íHaninaí ben Dosa (Ref. Chap. XIX, 18 and 20).

They insert Rabbi Gamaliel, the Jewish leader who was the President of the Pharisaic Party and descendant of Hillel. They changed his name around and put him in Acts 22:3, 5:38-39. They have Rabbi Akiba in Acts 11:28, 21.10.

And they have the Jewish commander Eliezer ben Yair who died fighting the Pisos in 73 C.E., as íJairusí (Roman form of Yair), in Mark 5:22.

They interchanged letters to hide the true identity of the Rabbis that they were ridiculing. For Akiva, spelled either íAkivaí or íAkibaí, they followed their principle of inter-changing the letters ísí, ící, and íkí. So that they have íAcibaí, then they change it even further following another íRomaní principle of switching cís and gís, as in the name íCaiusí and íGaiusí (like íCaiusí or íGaiusí Caligula).

In Acts 19:14, they make Akiva just plain íKivaí spelling it íCevaí with a ísí in front of it, rendering the name íScevaí which is short for the Greek word íScevazoní meaning íI CREATEí.

This portion of Acts of the Apostles was written by Justus Piso.

  • The original Mark 60 C.E. - Lucius Calpurnius Piso
  • Matthew 70-75 - Arius Calpurnius Piso
  • The present Mark 75-80 - Arius Calpurnius Piso
  • Luke 85-90 - Arius C. Piso & Pliny
  • John 105 - Justus Calpurnius Piso
  • Acts of the Apostles 96-100 - Justus & Pliny
  • Romans 100 - Proculus C. Piso & Claudia
  • I Corinthians, Galatians, 100-103 - Pliny the Younger and Ephesians
  • II Corinthians, Philippians 103-105 - Justus C. Piso
  • Colossians 106-107 - Justus & his son Julianus
  • I Timothy 105 - Pliny
  • II Timothy 107 - Justus C. Piso
  • I and II Thessalonians 105-110 - Justus & his son Julianus, and some by Justusí nephew
  • Titus 103-105 - Pliny
  • Philemon 105-110 - Justus & Julianus Piso
  • James 110 - Justus C. Piso
  • I and II Peter 110-115 - Proculus Piso
  • I, II, and III John 110-115 - Julius C. Piso
  • Jude 110-115 - Julius C. Piso
  • Revelation 137 - Julius C. Piso
  • Hebrews 140 - Flavius Arrianus (son of Claudia Phoebe)


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